Bringing Alaskan values back to the courtroom...

1351 Great View Lane,  Fairbanks,  Alaska  99712
(907) 451-0700   -

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Alaskan Focus Groups, Trial Replications and
Community Opinion Surveys

What is the Alaska Jury Project (AJP)?   Since 2001, The AJP has been Alaska's premier non-profit Internet-based decision-making forum. Utilizing focus groups, trial replications and community opinion surveys, the AJP: (1) helps attorneys better evaluate claims and disputes (eliminating frivolous lawsuits); and (2) gives real Alaskans a voice in Alaska's justice system.

The AJP helps attorneys avoid filing frivolous lawsuits. Working with volunteer participants, the AJP utilizes widely accepted social science techniques helping attorneys more effectively develop their cases for trial. For example, focus groups, trial replication and community opinion surveys help identify otherwise invisible "jury issues" in civil and criminal cases.

How does the AJP work?   AJP Jurors (you) sign up in advance via the AJP application form. Taking approximately 5 minutes, AJP jurors provide general and demographic information. When an attorney contacts AJP to arrange a trial replication or focus group, we match the attorney and his/her dispute with AJP Jurors. We also moderate the resulting focus group, trial replication, or community opinion survey. The AJP process is 100 per cent confidential. AJP Juror information is never sold, nor shared. Participation is always at your discretion.

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© 2004, Lori Merdes

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